
Hire Virtual Assistants for Customer support

hire and manage VAs using kim

Trusted by Top Brands


What We Offer

Hire faster from the top 1% VAs for customer support
Hire faster from the top 1% VAs
Choose from the best, saving tons of time. Our Virtual Assistants undergo rigorous screening for relevant experience, behavioural aptitude, and tool expertise to align perfectly with your requirements.
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Collaborate directly with dedicated VAs
Collaborate directly with dedicated VAs
Interact 1 on 1 with your virtual assistants for better collaboration, deeper brand understanding and higher ownership. Provide proactive feedback and train the VAs to seamlessly integrate into the brand.
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scale without losing your brand voice
Retain Brand Voice
Take charge of the brand voice by tracking adherence to brand guidelines, ensuring consistency in messaging and identity. Our AI captures key moments during customer conversation, providing valuable insights to help refine brand communication strategy
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Track VA’s performance and productivity
Track VA’s performance and productivity
Get full visibility into the performance and productivity of your Virtual Assistants. Optimize operations, resolve blockers, and improve utilization by understanding how different Virtual Assistants utilize time
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AI-powered customer interaction analysis
Discover insights from customer interactions
Understand your customers better through AI-powered categorizations and analysis of every customer interaction. Get powerful insights with simplicity and speed, across all CX channels
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Start your 14-day free trial today

No Contracts, No Commitments. Guaranteed Results.

AI Supercharges Everything!
AI supercharges everything

Faster hiring with AI powered matching system

Deeper insights with AI powered customer conversation analysis

More control on brand voice with AI powered quality monitoring

Faster resolution with AI copilot for VAs

Irresistible Pricing

Get started with highly skilled VAs for as low as $5 per hour.
Try our platform for free*

How to get started with kim.cc?



Share your requirements with us over a 15 min call



In 24 hours, kim shares a list of pre-vetted candidates.


Schedule interviews

Interview the VAs and pick the best fit for your brand.


Start free trial

Start your 14 days trial with the VA and see the magic happen.


Track performance of VAs

Measure productivity and performance of virtual assistant using kim's platform.

Start your 14-day free trial today

No Contracts, No Commitments. Guaranteed Results.


Top Tools to Track Your Shopify Virtual Assistants. Ditch Guesswork, Master Efficiency
Running a D2C business on Shopify? Virtual assistants (VAs) can be your secret weapon for customer service excellence. But without the right tools to track their performance, you're flying blindfolded.
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Leverage Virtual Assistants to turbocharge E-commerce Customer Support
As your Shopify store ascends, customer interactions soar alongside it. What started as a manageable flow of inquiries has transformed into a surging tide of emails, chats, and social media messages.
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Have questions?

How does kim curate top 1% virtual assistants (VA)?
Do I get to choose the virtual assistants (VA)
Can I hire part-time virtual assistants (VA) ?
Do I need to train the virtual assistants (VA)
Do I get to interact with the virtual assistants directly?
Do I get a trial period with kim?
What tools you integrate with?
How soon can kim onboard a virtual assistant (VA)?

Start your 14-day free trial today

No Contracts, No Commitments. Guaranteed Results.


838 Walker Rd., Suite 21-2, Dover, Delaware, 19904

Copyright @kim.cc 2024